Friday, 19 July 2013

The 5 Minutes Guide to Ordering Ink Cartridges in Cork

Running low on ink and need to get your ink cartridges in Cork fast? You have two options, first of all you can jump in the car make your way through the traffic into the city centre to find a shop that stocks your ink and pay full price for an original brand ink cartridge (in fairness some of them may sell the compatible version of your cartridges but it’s as well to phone ahead first). Or you can be a bit more savvy and go online and shop smartly for an Irish online supplier that will supply ink cartridges with next day delivery. How do you find an Irish supplier who will supply next day?

Search Online to Get Ink Cartridges in Cork with Multipack Offers

When you enter the search phrase ‘ink cartridges in Cork’ the first page in Google will put you in touch with all the local suppliers of ink and toner as well as those online suppliers who are not actually based in Cork but may well be able to supply you by next day delivery.

Assuming this has taken you about 30 seconds to get these results it’s worth spending the remainder of your 5 minutes going quickly through page one of the search results and look for a supplier who provides next day delivery at a low cost. This will generally only be a courier delivery service as there is no guarantee with postal deliveries that they can deliver ink cartridges next day as a standard delivery.

Things to consider when you are ordering ink cartridges online in a hurry:

  1. Does the supplier offer a money back guarantee on any purchase made? Is there a helpline for anyone with having issues with their ink cartridges?
  2. Does their facebook page give any feedback from existing customers? Don’t forget, they can’t make up the testimonials on facebook as easily as they might on their own site.
  3. Is their contact details highlighted so you can enquire if they actually have the stock before you place the order? Worth dropping them an email to see if they have you ink cartridge, how quickly they respond will be an indication of how in touch with their customers they are.

    The deals to be found online within 5 minutes are too numerous to ignore but the real secret is fast filtering – weeding out those that say they can deliver ink cartridge next day and those that actually claim this but have no intention in doing so. Your original search enquiry in the Google browser should stipulate that you are actually looking for ink cartridges in Cork as opposed to the more general search terms, for example, ink cartridges or ink cartridges in Ireland.

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